Sreetosh Goswami
• Ph.D. from NUS Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute (NUSNNI), National University of Singapore (2014-2019).
• B.E. in Electrical Engineering from Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU), Shibpur (2008-2012).
Post doctoral experience:
Research Fellow at the Departmentof Physics, National University of Singapore (2019-2021)
Awards and honors:
1. Associate, Indian Academy of Sciences, 2024
2. Young Physicist Award - National Physicists' Conclave, India, SRM University, 2024
3. Young scientist Award and Medal Lecture, ICLED, Singapore, 2023
4. Pratiksha Trust Young Investigator Award, IISc, Bangalore, 2021
5. Graduate Student Award 2018, European MRS, Warsaw, Poland
6. Graduate Student Award, 2018, MRS Spring meeting, Phoenix
7. NGS Scholarship 2014 – the most prestigious PhDscholarship in National University of Singapore