
Most Prominent Publications

1. Sharma, D., Rath, S.P., Kundu, B., Korkmaz, A., Thompson, D., Bhat, N., Goswami, S., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S.* Linear Symmetric Self-Selecting 14-bit Kinetic Molecular Memristors. Nature, 633, 560–566 (2024).

2. Goswami, S., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S*. Potential and Challenges of Computing with Molecular Materials. Nature Materials, 2024, 1-11.

3. Goswami, S.*, Pramanick, R., Patra, A., Venkatesan, T., Goswami, S., Williams, R.S. Decision Trees within a Molecular Memristor. Nature, 597, 51-56 (2021). 2020

4. Goswami, S.*, Rath, S.P., Thompson, D., Hedström, S., Annamalai, M., Pramanick, R., Ilic, B.R., Sarkar, S., Hooda, S., Nijhuis, C., Martin, J., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S., Venkatesan, T. Charge Disproportionate Molecular Redox for Discrete Memristive and Memcapacitive Switching. Nature Nanotechnology, 15, 380-389 (2020).

5. Goswami, S., Matula, A.J., Rath, S.P., Hedström, S., Saha, S., Annamalai, M., Sengupta, D., Patra, A., Ghosh, S., Jani, H., Sarkar, S., Motapothula, M.R., Nijhuis, C.A., Martin, J., Goswami, S., Batista, V.S., Venkatesan, T.  Robust Resistive Memory Devices Using Solution-Processable Metal-Coordinated Azo Aromatics. Nature Materials, 16, 1216–1224 (2017).2014

6. Rath, S.P., Suin, Y., Bhat, N., Goswami, S., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S.* Energy and Space Efficient Parallel Adder Using Molecular Memristors. Advanced Materials, 2022, 2206128.

7. Rath, S.P., Thompson, D., Goswami, S., Goswami, S.* Many-Body Molecular Interactions in a Memristor. Advanced Materials, 2022, 2204551.

8. Goswami, S.*, Deb, D., Tempez, A., Chaigneau, M., Rath, S.P., Lal, M., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S., Venkatesan, T. Nanometer-Scale Uniform Conductance Switching in Molecular Memristors. Advanced Materials, 32(42), 2004370 (2020)

List of all publications:


1. Sharma, D., Rath, S.P., Kundu, B., Korkmaz, A., Thompson, D., Bhat, N.,Goswami, S., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S.* Linear Symmetric Self-Selecting 14-bit Kinetic Molecular Memristors. Nature, 633, 560–566 (2024).

2. Goswami, S., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S*. Potential and Challenges of Computing with Molecular Materials. Nature Materials, 2024, 1-11.


3. Rath, S.P., Suin, Y., Bhat, N., Goswami, S., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S.* Energy and Space Efficient Parallel Adder Using Molecular Memristors. Advanced Materials, 2022, 2206128.

4. Rath, S.P., Thompson, D., Goswami, S., Goswami, S.* Many-Body Molecular Interactions in a Memristor. Advanced Materials, 2022, 2204551.


5. Goswami, S.*, Pramanick, R., Patra, A., Venkatesan, T., Goswami, S., Williams, R.S. Decision Trees within a Molecular Memristor. Nature, 597, 51-56 (2021).2020

6. Goswami, S.*, Rath, S.P., Thompson, D., Hedström, S., Annamalai, M., Pramanick, R., Ilic, B.R., Sarkar, S., Hooda, S., Nijhuis, C., Martin, J., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S., Venkatesan, T. Charge Disproportionate Molecular Redox for Discrete Memristive and Memcapacitive Switching. Nature Nanotechnology, 15, 380-389 (2020).

7. Goswami, S.*, Deb, D., Tempez, A., Chaigneau, M., Rath, S.P., Lal, M., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S., Venkatesan, T. Nanometer-Scale Uniform Conductance Switching in Molecular Memristors. Advanced Materials, 32(42), 2004370 (2020).

8. Goswami, S.*, Goswami, S., Venkatesan, T. An Organic Approach to Low Energy Memory and Brain-Inspired Electronics. Applied Physics Review, 7, 021303 (2020).

9. Goswami, S.*, Thompson, D., Williams, R.S., Goswami, S., Venkatesan, T. Colossal Current and Voltage Tunability in an Organic Memristor via Electrode Engineering. Applied Materials Today, 19, 100626 (2020).

10. Sengupta, D.#, Goswami, S.#, Banerjee, R., Guberman-Pfeffer, M.J., Patra, A., Dutta, A., Pramanick, R., Narasimhan, S., Pradhan, N., Batista, V., Venkatesan, T., Goswami, S.* Size-Selective Pt Siderophores Based on Redox-Active π-Acceptor Ligands. Chemical Science, 11(34), 9226-9236 (2020).

11. Trushin, M., Sarkar, S., Mathew, S., Goswami, S., Wang, Y., Yang, J., Li, W., MacManus-Driscoll, J.L., Chhowalla, M., Adam, S., Venkatesan, T. Evidence of Rotational Fröhlich Coupling in Polaronic Trions. Physical Review Letters, 125(8), 086803 (2020).


12. Sarkar, S.#, Goswami, S.#, Trushin, M., Saha, S., Fard, M., Prakash, S., Tan, S.J.R., Scott, M., Loh, K.P., Adam, S., Mathew, S., Venkatesan, T. Polaronic Trions at the MoS₂/SrTiO₃ Interface. Advanced Materials, 2019, 1903569.


13. Goswami, S., Matula, A.J., Rath, S.P., Hedström, S., Saha, S., Annamalai, M., Sengupta, D., Patra, A., Ghosh, S., Jani, H., Sarkar, S., Motapothula, M.R., Nijhuis, C.A., Martin, J., Goswami, S., Batista, V.S., Venkatesan, T. Robust Resistive Memory Devices Using Solution-Processable Metal- Coordinated Azo Aromatics. Nature Materials, 16, 1216–1224 (2017).2014

14. Goswami, S.*, Sengupta, D., Paul, N.D., Mondal, T.K., Goswami, S. Redox Non‐Innocence of Coordinated 2‐(Arylazo) Pyridines in Iridium Complexes: Characterization of Redox Series and an Insight into Voltage‐Induced Current Characteristics. Chemistry–A European Journal, 20(20), 6103-6111 (2014).


Paul, N.D., Rana, U., Goswami, S., Mondal, T.K., Goswami, S.* Azo Anion Radical Complex of Rhodium as a Molecular Memory Switching Device: Isolation, Characterization, and Evaluation of Current–Voltage Characteristics. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(15), 6520-6523 (2012).



1. Bhat, N. and Goswami, S. Ultra High-Density Non-Volatile Memory. Provisional Application Filed (2024).

2. Ghosh, P., Rath, S., Goswami, S., and Goswami, S. Multi-Metallic Transition Metal Complexes for Resistive and Capacitive Memory and Non-Linear Dynamics. Provisional Application Filed (2024).

3. Rath, S., Goswami, S., and Goswami, S. Heteroleptic Transition Metal Complexes for Capacitive Memory and Non-Linear Dynamics. Provisional Application Filed (2024).

4. Ghosh, P., Goswami, S., and Goswami, S. Polycyclic Redox-Active Organic Materials for Electronic and Optical Switching Applications. Provisional Application Filed (2024).


Goswami, S. and Goswami, S. Energy Efficient Molecular Memristors for In-Memory Computing. Provisional Application Filed (2022).


Venkatesan, T., Goswami, S., Patra, A., and Goswami, S. Resistive Memory Devices Based on Metal-Coordinated Azo Aromatics. U.S. Patent No. 10,984,859, Issued April 20, 2021.